Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thoughts on dogs, toys, and terriers

Sometimes I wonder if dog toy designers think about the mess their toys make. I have a Jack Russell terrier, who is a really big fan of stuffed animals. Especially stuffed animals with squeakers inside; the more stuffing the better, from her point of view, at least. Sometimes stuffed animals will be shredded within 5 minutes. I wish I could tell you the ridiculous amounts of money I have spent on stuffed toys over the last few years.

You think I would have learned after the first few, right? Well, I have. Let's be honest, the last stuffed toy I bought my roommates and I made bets to see how long it would last. I said an optimistic week and a half, their bets were 2 days, and 5 days. We were all wrong, and although she is currently shredding every last bit of stuffing left, it outlasted all of our predictions. It made it about 2 months, the first month I left it out for her to chew on whenever she pleased, but the last month was supervised, due to the slightly tattered outer core.

That toy was rated on a scale of 1-10 at 8. It is shown with a doberman. The toy itself was approximately the same length as mae. The other one of the Tuffys brand I have tried was a 7 and barely hit the half hour mark, I believe. Maybe it lasted an hour? Not completely sure on that one. Mae managed to destroy the toy rated at a strength of 8 within about a month. Clearly this has turned into a challenge of wasted money and failure (on my part, clearly) of attempting to find a chew toy for mae NOT made out of hard plastic that will last more than a day.

It might have a little to do with guilt as well. When I first got mae, before the leg amputation, before the hundreds of dollars of clothing, toys, and whatnot she has massacred, there was Bunny. Bunny came with mae, along with her crate, food, a kong, and a few other toys. Bunny was a disgusting, slobbery, yellow, stuffed toy that mae carried with her everywhere. It was a pathetically cute thing to see this tiny puppy carrying around and snuggling a bunny as big as she. Mae also loved to suck and lick on Bunny, and one of Bunny's legs was barely hanging by a thread. And as you can probably imagine, Bunny was disgusting. Bunny was dragged all over the ground, through the dirt, probably though some feces and urine; wet. With puppy slobber. Which Mae then tried to snuggle with in places such as my bed, the couch, my clean clothes basket, and other places you would not as a general rule, want Bunny to be in such conditions.

I considered washing Bunny, but due to the precarious condition of Bunny's leg, I was terribly concerned for her internal organs and a total loss of limb. Also, the thought of cleaning out our washer (it was made in the early 1970's and was consistently on the brink of spontaneous combustion) was too much and probably more than Betsy (the washer, the dryer was named Walter. He died in a tragic moving accident where he nearly fell down an entire flight of stairs.) could handle.

So I threw Bunny away. It was time. Convincing mae that it was time, however, was not so easy. She sat by the trash can howling (literally. HOWLING and crying in a pitiful 6 month old Jack russell terrier fashion) for a good half hour. I am pretty sure she pouted for a week. Since Bunny, she has viciously ripped apart any stuffed animal she can get her teeth on, and tries extra hard if it has a squeaker (Bunny sang).Maybe it's the competitive nature in me to try and find a dog toy to outdo mae's strong desire to chew (and destroy anything that I try to buy in replace of Bunny. NOTHING WILL LIVE UP TO THE LEGACY OF BUNNY!!). Maybe I have psychologically scarred mae and therefore she attempts to destroy any and all forms of squeaky and/or stuffed toys.
Either way, I fear there is no hope for the future cohabitation of Mae and Squeaky/Stuffed toys.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why "Global Warming" doesn't matter

Earth day was last week, and my friends hosted a benefit concert for the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the Ecuadorian Amazon. As a result, I have been thinking a lot about the environment and causes, and why exactly I feel so strongly about conservation, recycling, and the environment.

So I decided to give this blog a purpose, or theme, or whatever you prefer to call it. It's going to be my search for a "cause" and then the efforts I made to pursue this "cause." There are likely to be off topic posts and unrelated tangents, but I feel good having a purpose for this blog.

I'll start first with some thoughts on Global Warming.

I've done a little bit of research on global warming, and to make sense of the incredible amount of research, data, political jargon, and ridiculous name calling, I feel the debate on global warming should be divided into two categories:

1.) Is the Earth's temperature actually getting warmer?
2.) If the Earth really is getting warmer, are we (people, our actions, etc.) causing this, or somehow making the increase in climate temperature significantly worse?

Let me start with #1.

Now, one would think that the evidence on temperature trends would be relatively thorough and easy to find. After all, we've had weathermen and we've been tracking at least since I was born. And the first mercury thermometer was invented in 1714 by Gabriel Fahrenheit, allowing people for the first time to gage changed in temperature. You would think after nearly 300 years we would be capable of creating a system of accurate data on temperatures by some arbitrary location (like by region, country, latitude/longitude, or specific locations strategically placed throughout the world).

I guess not. Now I only halfway understood the majority of the statistical information provided, but after reading the comments I have come to a conclusion: many of the people doing the calculations seem to be doing so in an academic mind-frame. Someone posted a comment as the "devil's advocate" and was answered with a philosophical response.

The language and method of comments shows that many of these people are not there to pick a fight, or maybe they are, but instead of name calling and blaming Al Gore for all their problems, they're using data, statistics, and science. They are discussing methods of statistical calculations that are important in modeling, discussing the validity of the one used, and other potential models.

Important to note; they are not simply calling the model wrong (if you're curious where I am getting this part of it, check comments starting around 30 on the "I guess not" link above) they are discussing the errors in the model, why they exist, and ways to correct or adjust for the errors.

Basically what I gathered is there are sometimes missing sections of data, for example a month missing from a station measurement. That "hole" in the data is filled in by an overall average of that month from all data. Please correct me if I'm wrong?

What the article above (and this one) is attempting to prove however, is that the data used, specifically data published by NASA, is skewed and rotated at approx. 6*, creating a steeper upward climb in temperature data that is essentially an error in the data. And while I am sure there are a dozen websites proving that the NASA data is correct, and the model is correct, I would like to quote my proffesor here and say "All models are wrong, but some are useful." That being said, I am greatly concerned over the differences between NASA, RSS, UAH, and the Had-Crut data.

I refuse to say whether or not I feel NASA is wrong, or the three other types of data that all show decreasing temperature averages is wrong, because I honestly do not have the education or research to run the numbers and make an educated decision.

It is however, enough information for me to say that my belief in Global Warming is not as strong as it once was.

And that got me thinking about something else entirely.

WHY does global warming matter? Why does #1 or #2 matter in the scheme of the big bad world, or the entire universe for that matter?

Well, I don't feel it does. In fact, I'm angry about it how important the argument that is focused around #1 and #2 has become. I'm angry that in order for the world to care about the planet we have to believe we are causing a catastrophic apocalypse that will likely be the end of earth as we know it due to an onslaught of typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and massive disasters Ala The Bible.

Why can't we recycle because throwing all those plastic bottles away is wasteful? Why can't we unplug our appliances when we're not using them simply because it will save us money? Why can't we look towards alternative energy such as wind technology because it's better for the environment and puts less pressure on crude oil, which is not a renewable resource? Why can't we shop locally and eat less processed foods because overall it's better for our health and uses less waste?

(As a side note, the economist in me says this would hurt the overall economy, but I choose to push that part of me back into the recesses of all things less important than advocating for a cleaner earth. The only thing this would really hurt is business/the economy but it would quickly recover in new sectors such as renewable energy and more efficient agricultural practices. That is of course, unless the big political forces of corporate farms were prevented from paying off the politicians and securing more subsidies and tariffs.)

Why, as a species, are we incapable of doing things simply because we do not KNOW what the future holds? Why can we not admit we have no effing CLUE what the world will look like in 50, 100, 250 years and live because of such a vast lack of knowledge.

We in America (ME ME ME included) are extremely wasteful and take so much for granted. I cannot imagine what it is like without clean water, or a roof over my head.

I am not afraid to admit that I do not know where I go when I die, or whether or not there is global climate change, or what I'm going to eat for dinner tomorrow, or where I'm going to live if I don't have a job come August and I'm in Texas.
I fear the Apocalypse of humanity is likely to be our inability of dealing with uncertainty.

For these reasons, Global Warming will not by my "cause."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So this is obviously not a true piece of journalism, but it does stem from personal experience.

Please, gentleman. Heed the advice, and beware of VBP!

“Concern over men with VBP increases with the threat of Global Warming and Recession Woes”
21 April, 2009
by Kara Kneidl

VBP is on the rise as summer approaches, and so is the importance of understanding what VBP is, how it affects men, and ways to treat it are imperative to the overall health of the community. Men can become infected with the choice to forgo the use of undergarments while wearing shorts.

“It’s an epidemic. I saw the first case of the season, and it was only 50* today. You expect to see one or two cases a year, but last year there was at least five reported cases, and the first one wasn’t reported until mid-June. If this gets as bad as I think it might, we’re going to have to get the international Red Cross involved. Or at least the French Red Cross… I’ve heard cases of VBP in France are nonexistent.” A local Center for Disease Control official stated when asked to comment on the VBP infected man sitting at the other end of the coffee shop, reading the newspaper.

The official shook his head, and whispered, “he is just sitting there, drinking his cup of coffee, completely unaware of his [VBP] out there for everyone to see.”It’s believed in Dayton alone sightings of VBP will triple for those only marginally aware of their surroundings, and a projected tenfold increase for avid people watchers. With warm weather on the rise, men are more likely to turn to shorts and resort to a phenomenon known as “going commando” which involves fewer layers and less protection from VBP. In addition, the massive downturn in the economy is forcing people to cut back on spending, including spending that encourages wearing undergarments in public.

A local man who acknowledges his high risk of VBP spoke with us today. “I know VBP is a big concern, I’m constantly checking to make sure I’m not affected. But times are tough and I’m cutting as many corners as I can. I’m only eating out once a day now, and I get tall lattes instead of venti ones in the morning. I’ve also cut down on wearing boxers only on special occasions and holidays. I’m aware of my risk, and I’m careful. But even then, it’s my body, isn’t it? Isn’t that what you women are always complaining about, that it’s your body and you should be able to do what you want with it? Well it’s time guys took a stand. Women cannot tell us when we can, and cannot wear underwear.”

VBP is a sensitive issue that local business owners are tentative to address when it rears its head in their establishment. Some business owners are hoping to get parents involved to combat VBP before it becomes an issue. Some are actively turning down the temperature of their establishment to discourage people from wearing shorts at all.I asked a local coffee shop owner how she felt about VBP in her store. “The sad part is most guys don’t even know they have VBP. And who am I to tell them? It’s humiliating enough to find out from a girlfriend or a friend, but some random woman you don’t even know? I just don’t have it in me. I’d rather let the VBP go and hope someone he knows will be able to break the news before he carries it all around the city.”

VBP, or Visiballsandpenis syndrome affects men of all ages, but is mostly found among middleaged, atheltic men desperately attempting to hold onto their youth and khaki shorts. An advocacy group called Stop the Commandos is preparing to run a campaign with public service announcements aimed at an increase in underwear and boxer wearing and also to decrease the stigma of men crossing their legs. “Crossing your legs is not something women and gay men do to increase their appearance of femininity. It’s very common in Europe to see perfectly straight men with their legs crossed. It’s simply a matter of protecting themselves from the humiliation and the stigma attached to VBP.”

VBP is embarrassing for everyone involved, and is easily prevented. “Stop the Commandos” will be hosting a Boxer drive and is asking for new and gently used men’s undergarments to hand out to those afflicted with VBP. Stop the Commandos has asked to keep in mind that VBP is not contagious, although it is often hard to look away, and can be emotionally scarring to young persons, especially young girls. Parents are asked to keep on the look out for VBP and keep children from sitting too close in case the dreaded “what is THAT?” question should arise.VBP can be prevented through the use of boxers, boxer briefs, briefs, or as they are often called “man panties” or simply by crossing your legs while wearing shorts.

First Blog

This is likely the beginning of an end for me.
My first blog... well... okay that is somewhat of a lie. I actually have another blog floating out in space somewhere. However I am positive I have yet to blog on it... I just have it and forgot what it was called. Besides, I'm pretty sure "karanomics" is entirely more creative that whatever it was I came up with first.

A friend of mine started blogging, and reading hers made me want one. Yeah, I know, not very independent or creative but she's pretty awesome and I could do much worse than follow in her footsteps.

This will also be a way for friends and people interested to follow what is going on in or around my new life and what I will be doing over the summer.

In reality though, this is mostly just for me to talk about stuff, because I like to talk.